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Home > Nature Hills Nursery, Inc. > Petunias

Supertunia Vista® Fuchsia Petunia

Petunia Supertunia Vista Fuchsia, Petunia hybrid 'Supertunia® Vista Fuchsia' PPAF, displays tons of dark pink flowers in a mound. 'Vista Fuchsia' is a vigorous bloomer, and like other 'Vistas', lasts longer than other varieties!Supertunia is a long time favorite of growers and gardeners. They're virtually maintenance free and bloom continuously throughout the season. They have large blossoms that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.Add a slow release fertilizer to top dress the basket or container. If you plant your own basket, incorporate some of the slow release fertilizer in the soil as you plant. Do this every couple of weeks all summer to keep the blooms healthy!Petunias will provide long-term color in full sun areas throughout the season. They are ideal for baskets, beds, balconies and combination plantings.Petunias are very heat and drought tolerant once established in the ground or pot. They do not need to have their dead flower heads removed to continue flowering and they are not leggy. The Supertunia is self-cleaning and this is not necessarily true of all petunias!'Vista Fuchsia' grows fast and therefore needs ample moisture and fertilizer. It is a vigorous, mounding plant that is perfect for your landscape. Plant in mass for a brilliant display of deep pink all season!This plant can be a perennial in zones 9-11. In zones 3-8 it is an annual only.* Deep pink flowers* Container or landscape plant* Vigorous bloomer

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