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Home > Nature Hills Nursery, Inc. > Willow Shrubs

French Pussy Willow Tree

Beautiful Catkins Made for Cutting GardensFrench Pussy Willow Tree (salix caprea) is a classic harbinger of spring. The dainty branches covered in fuzzy catkins are sure signs that spring is around the corner.The large, fuzzy, silvery buds are great for forcing indoors and are often sold for high prices at your local florist. This selection sold by Nature Hills  is a choice plant for your cutting garden or garden bed.Like all willows, French Pussy Willow trees thrive by water and can handle full sun or light shade. They have a beautiful and graceful form that will elevate any garden, but they are mainly grown for the amazing catkins they produce in late winter and early spring.According to legend, the pussy willow gets its name because many springtime’s ago a mother cat was crying at the bank of the river. Her kittens had been chasing butterflies and had fallen in the water and were drowning. The willows at the river's edge longed to help her, so they swept their long graceful branches into the waters to rescue the tiny kittens. The kittens gripped on so tightly to their branches that every spring the willows sprout tiny fur-like buds at their tips where the tiny kittens clung to safety.  French Pussy Willow Tree will be a welcome addition to any landscape or garden bed and will fill your vases with lovely branches every spring.* Graceful but hardy plants * Great for cutting gardens * Thrives in wet spots in your garden

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