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Earthworms Mail-Back, pack of 5

This is for the redemption codes only. When you receive your package go to Orcon Organics Control website to redeem your codes and order your live bugs/insects. Earthworms (Red Wrigglers Eisenia fetida) help keep the soil loose they're Mother Nature's very own spade! These little guys eat and burrow 24 hours a day. All of this tunneling aerates the soil (getting oxygen to the roots), allows for easier root growth and improves water retention. And they speed up the decomposition process in cold composting. Earthworms are shipped by the pound, and include approximately 1,800-2,000 worms per pound. They are shipped as Bed-Run, which means there will be a variety of sizes and life stages in each pound. Use them in the garden or in worm composting. NUTRITION: These earthworms will eat the soil in your garden and cast it back with 5 times more nitrogen, 1.5 times more calcium, 3 times more magnesium, 7 times more phosphates, 11 times more potash and 40% more humus. Plant nutrients from earthworms (odorless castings) retain moisture, don't leach out with watering and are released slowly instead of in one large dose. Worm castings feed plants for weeks, even months. They will neutralize acid or alkaline excess and they don't use up organic carbons, as chemicals often do. Looks like Mother Nature knows what she's doing! AERATION: On their endless journey through your garden (worms don't sleep), earthworms leave behind a vast network of nutrition-lined tunnels which are valuable air spaces. This gets oxygen to the roots and allows the roots more room to grow. The castings-rich soil will hold more water so there's much less run-off. Hard packing is impossible -- Mother Nature does not own a spade. All Plant life benefits enormously from nutrition and aeration by earthworms. Production goes up. Color is better. Fruits and vegetables taste better. Susceptibility to disease goes down. Best of all, you get more pleasure from your gardening and your garden. DIRECTIONS: Garden Are

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